What if...

What if...

...I allowed God to lead me in all my decisions? What would each day look like? How would I feel physically, emotionally, spiritually? Would that change the way my children behave? How would my husband respond to a wife that is living in the center of God's will?

I am starting to figure that out and hope to share stories that evidence God's lead in my life.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Be Careful what You Pray for

I was out walking this morning at a different time than usual. Tyrone left yesterday morning for a conference in Kansas City so I will have been a single parent for about 34 hours by the time he gets home. (That is just long enough to help you stop and appreciate your spouse.) I had today scheduled with nearly back to back to back events so each minute was precious to make sure I made it to each thing on time and prepared. I delivered Jeremiah at school by 7:45 then delivered Maiesha to preschool at 8:15. I knew I had enough time to do a couple things around the house and walk before going back to Maiesha's school to accompany her on the fieldtrip to the fire station. Then we would have enough time to eat lunch and take a short break before heading to Jeremiah's classroom for the fall party. I am the co-homeroom parent and was "in charge" of storytime and the craft. After that we would have a couple hours to relax and get dinner ready before Tyrone arrived home. The final event of the day is to visit our new house.

Now back to the morning walk at an unusual time that I mentioned. I made it out of the house about 9:00 to walk while pushing the stroller and with Buford by my side. I much prefer 6:15a.m. just me and Buford. I had just enought time to walk my normal 30 minute route and make it back to Maiesha's school. I started to pray and one of the first things that came to mind was a praise for how well things were going so far for the day. I specifically remember feeling excited about having this time "to myself" and being thankful for it. Then I asked God to help me remember my joy comes from him not the order I had in my day. My security was not in my smooth sailing, but in Him knowing that he is in complete control even when my order becomes disorder - even when caos strikes and messes up my order.

Not 5 minutes after I finished that part of my prayer with Psalm 139:23-24 the wrench was thrown into my works. In those verses I honed in on "test me and know my anxious thoughts". I thought a little on the test me part and how I am not sure I really wanted God to test me. Well, the wrench was a call from my darling husband to task me with printing (no printer at home right now) and filling out a form that had to be nortorized and sent overnight mail TODAY. I just started to laugh as I listened to him explain.

I guess God decided to test me as I had prayed a few minutes earlier. Was my faith, my joy in Him or in my skills to organize my day? To make a long story short I shortened my walk, made it to the field trip, took care of the paperwork/mailing, had a great time at Jeremiah's fall party and have a genuine smile on my face after it is all done. It was a great day! Psalm 139:23-24 ends with "See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting." I know God was leading me through this day.

I know that praying scripture back to God is a powerful thing, but he gave me a practical example today.

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