What if...

What if...

...I allowed God to lead me in all my decisions? What would each day look like? How would I feel physically, emotionally, spiritually? Would that change the way my children behave? How would my husband respond to a wife that is living in the center of God's will?

I am starting to figure that out and hope to share stories that evidence God's lead in my life.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

The Blessing of Quarantine

Where do I begin? Right now it’s hard for me to remember what time it is. Is it morning or afternoon? Is it dinner time or time for bed? As time progresses, I know it will be tough to recall if it is a week day or the weekend. It is hard to get motivated to get out of bed with no school, no classes to attend, and no practices to get to in the evenings.

I realized a couple days ago that this coach needs a coach. This person who makes a living out of motivating others to be their best, now seeks motivation. As a coach, I always tell my athletes that we are preparing them for life far beyond the game, far beyond the field of play. We’re preparing them for life after their ball stopping bouncing. In a way, everyone’s ball has stopped bouncing thanks to Covid-19. It was unexpected and we didn’t have any time to prepare. We didn’t get a say in the matter, and we didn’t get to think it over first. However, I already see so much beauty from the ashes of our current predicament. Every day there is something to be thankful for – something that seems found after being lost for so long. I am learning to coach myself. We are learning to self-motivate to do the things that are important to us. We are learning to love each other in the face of uncertainty and the complete unknown.

Sunday all six of us sat in our living room to attend church via Facebook Live. This was our first time ever. It’s not that we haven’t had chances to do this before, but it was never necessary and it was fine to miss a Sunday here or there. This time it felt like a desperate move toward connection and reassurance that God is still in control. With tears streaming down my face, I sang along with the last two worship songs. My heart was so full as our family listened to a message, not out of religious obligation or because it's what we are supposed to do, but because it brought an hour of normalcy and hope.

We have been given permission (or perhaps we have been thrown out) to step out of the overwhelming current of life. We stand on the banks of the river and reflect. It is the scariest thing to look at the current continue to flow by us. But wait! The current has stopped too. In fact, the river is receding. We have been given a gift to evaluate the load we have been carrying for a lifetime. We have worked so hard to keep everything balanced on our small raft as the current carried us. It was the current of social pressure and the American dream. It was the current of living up to unrealistic expectations. It was the current of unfair comparison. It was the current of “I’m not good enough”.
Let’s seize this moment to start fresh. Let’s look at our load and see what we can leave on the shore when we launch our boat back into the river. What was I carrying that I no longer need? What treasure was I carrying buried under the clutter that I can now hold tight to my chest? That thing or person gives me courage and strength to press on. What or who is so important that I am compelled to get back in the river to help change the current?

A few nights ago I dreamed that we went back to the Isle of Palms and rented the same beach house that we stayed in when we went to South Carolina for Tyrone’s mom’s funeral a year ago. In my dream, it was so good to be back there. The beach is our safe place and that house is forever a part of our story given the purpose it served. I called friends and invited them to join us at the beach house. It felt like home. I shared that dream with my family and the friend who joined us in the dream. It symbolizes peace, a calm in the storm. A place of refuge. It represents that relationships matter most and God is faithful to comfort us when we need it the most. It makes me raise my hands and shout AMEN.

We WILL keep fighting FOR our family and our community every day. We WILL keep getting out of bed when it seems like it doesn’t matter. We WILL keep doing “crisis schooling” because education still brings freedom. We WILL keep training and getting our shots up in the driveway because our physical health is critical and our kids have big goals to play college basketball on day. We WILL learn to do new things and remember to laugh at our failures because they are simply opportunities for growth. We WILL say I’m sorry when we mess up. We WILL extend grace and forgiveness in the worst circumstances because that’s what Jesus has done for us.

I WILL keep coaching myself and anyone else God puts in my path because that is who HE designed me to be.

God bless you! May HOPE rise in you today.