What if...

What if...

...I allowed God to lead me in all my decisions? What would each day look like? How would I feel physically, emotionally, spiritually? Would that change the way my children behave? How would my husband respond to a wife that is living in the center of God's will?

I am starting to figure that out and hope to share stories that evidence God's lead in my life.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

A time to reflect

Do you ever stop and think about how you got to where you are today? Whether you are happy with your life today or not, do you think about the seasons you have gone through and marvel at all that you have experienced?

We have been in Fayetteville, AR for about a year and a half now, and it has been quite an adventure. I started to think about the reasons God brought us here. I always have a sense that each new encounter and every experience is a reason, but what are the big ones. If we were to leave this place tomorrow, what would I point to as the purpose of our time here. What are the lessons we have learned? Who are the people that have most influenced us? Who have we been able to encourage and point to Christ?

The first and most obvious to me is the new life growing inside of me. This child is evidence that God restores us and heals our brokenness. It is proof of new beginnings and big surprises. It is a clear example of the miracles that take place in our lives every day if we would just stop and take notice. This was so far from the plans Tyrone and I had for our family, but it makes more and more sense as we prepare for baby's arrival in 5 short months. It also makes me laugh, perhaps the same way Sarah laughed when God told her she would have a child in her old age. Not so ironically, God gave me a mentor who is a seasoned mother of 4 about 6 weeks before we discovered I was pregnant with our fourth child. You have to appreciate the foreshadowing.

As we prepared to leave Evansville, I remember sitting in the car in the parking lot of our church and saying it felt like God had used those 4 years to train us for something. We didn't know the specifics yet, but it was so true. He had grown us and taught us a lot about the Scriptures and our relationship with Him. He had given us boldness to share our faith and a better understand of biblical history which built our confidence in the TRUTH of God's Word. Now we are a part of an amazing, growing church where we can use that training to reach out to students and families in our community. As the children's ministry director, I am using so much of our Evansville experience to direct our curriculum and build a foundation for our precious children. We are focusing outwardly to reach people who don't have a relationship with Jesus Christ and working to equip and encourage those who do.

God has given us a beautiful home that we have shared with so many people. We have hosted families, students, stay-at-home moms and their kiddos, and a few out of town guests as well. It is something of a reward for living in less than ideal houses for a few years in order find and afford the perfect house for us here in Fayetteville. It has been special to watch our kids grow in this house and to be able to give them a yard to play in and rooms to decoration and enjoy.

Tyrone has been able to explore a new part of his career. He is learning to trust God like never before in the world of research and grant writing. He is working through the stress of all that comes in a larger department and university. He is learning how to connect with and invest in these students while missing our beloved Evansville students and colleagues. He is learning how to balance work and home so he can give his best in both places and understand the value he brings to both.

God is showing me there is life after coaching and how those skills and passions can be used at home and in ministry. He used this move to "take away" jobs I loved in order to show me how to love me job as a wife and a mom. He is teaching me how to be patient so I can get a glimpse of the bigger picture which will far exceed my own hopes and dreams. He is showing me how each season of my life is preparation for the next and how they will all add up to an amazing journey. He is giving me new relationships with other moms and students - not to replace the old ones - but to use past experiences to be an encourager in the new ones.

As I am sure I have shared before, my life verse is Psalm 25:4-5. It reads, "Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope in is you all day long."

Every day I pray this to open up my prayer time with God. I memorized this at the beginning of 2010 and it is a testament that God's Word does not return void (Isaiah 55:10-12) but accomplishes the great purpose for which he sent it. As we consider this season of life and prepare for a new season with baby Washington coming, "it is well with my soul" as I put my hope and trust in my Savior more each day.

"It is Well with My Soul" by Hillsong http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cv5V3bY6qlI

"Amazing Grace, My Chains are Gone" by Chris Tomlin

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