What if...

What if...

...I allowed God to lead me in all my decisions? What would each day look like? How would I feel physically, emotionally, spiritually? Would that change the way my children behave? How would my husband respond to a wife that is living in the center of God's will?

I am starting to figure that out and hope to share stories that evidence God's lead in my life.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Fastest Highest Strongest

Wow! Can I get a minute to stop and just breathe? The last two weeks have been wild as I begin this new adventure. In the middle of a busy Sunday morning, I was able to be still long enough to hear from God - which is incredibly hard to do when you are "on staff" with a church. Sunday is now a work day and a worship day. That is going to be a big shift and take a little while to get used to. I am beginning to grab hold of the magnitude of this awesome responsibility. I am used to praying for the leadership of my church, but now as I pray those prayers I realize that includes me and my family. So what that also means is that satan is on the war path. He wants to destroy what God has clearly put together. So certainly I need your prayers against the enemy, for unity in our family, and for the glory of God to shine on.

After only 1 year of being completely out of the workforce, I find it difficult to adjust to the "balance" of home and a part time job. How did I do 2 or 3 part time jobs at the same time before? I was crazy! Things will get easier in a couple weeks when Jeremiah and Maiesha start school. I also have an amazing friend who is going to help me one day each week with Lydia. That will give both of us a break from each other as we adjust to life with just the two of us.

We have been very focused on the Olympic Games since the opening ceremonies. I really enjoy watching the competitions and the personal stories of triumph. Jeremiah wants to be Michael Phelps and Maiesha has taken an interest in gymnastics and Gabby Douglas. It's amazing how quickly you "get attached" to the athletes and their stories.
The Olympic motto is “Fastest Highest Strongest”.
We can use this motto in our walk with Jesus who is the definition of fastest, highest and strongest. “Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength (Strongest). They will soar on wings like eagles (Highest); they will run (Fastest) and not grow weary, they will walk and not grow faint.” (Isaiah 40:31)

Tyrone and I are walking through some challenges together right now. It is very hard, but it is also a huge answer to prayers. I think God is birthing a new vision for our marriage and our family. At the very least, he is helping us rediscover what we had lost sight of. The first year in Fayetteville has caused the baggage to break open and allow us an opportunity to process and become stronger. The best part is we are doing it TOGETHER which is incredible. We will celebrate our 11th wedding anniversary on August 18 and I couldn't be happier to brag about all God has brought us through in those 11 years. He is clearly working out more of his plan right now by cleaning up more of our crap. As Tyrone and I talk and share, I can see once again how God has been preparing us for these moments.

Jeremiah and Maiesha are very excited to begin school on August 20. We have spent a good bit of time with reading, math, shapes, and colors this summer. Jeremiah is reading chapter books a little, doing more advanced math, and finally putting Legos together without our help. Maiesha is thrilled to be adding and subtracting, and she loves to "repeat after me" when we read a book together. They are both proficient swimmers after a couple weeks of swimming lessons and now we are counting the days 'til our school year routine is back in full swing. I can't wait to put away my referee hat.

Lydia is growing so fast. She was 18 months old July 31. She is running and jumping and climbing. She knows what she wants and how to get it (or how to get me to get it). We taught her to say the Gamecock chant...I say 'Game' your say 'Cocks'.  GAME...COCKS! It is too cute. She says new words everyday, but the best was a week ago when Tyrone asked her what her name was. She put her hand to her chest and said "ydia". She prefers to use a fork now instead of her hands and she really like to drink from a regular cup like the rest of us. There is also a wild, mischieveous streak emerging which I am not so thrilled about.

Tyrone had a great summer in the classroom and the lab. I know year two is going to be even better as he welcomes his first 2 PhD students and continues to mold a very bright undergrad who will begin the Master's program next semester. Year one proved much more challenging than he anticipated, but he is starting to settle into a rhythm now and he has wonderful support from colleagues and administration.

As we sang "Break Every Chain" this morning it became the prayer of my heart. God please continue to work out the details of our lives and give us the courage to "live by faith" (Habakkuk 2:4) and just trust YOU. I claim the power of the name of Jesus, and I believe it will overcome the darkness of this world. Give us strength and perserverance to pursue more of Jesus and less of this world.

"Break Every Chain" by Jesus Culture http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOyjD5Zw2ew

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