What if...

What if...

...I allowed God to lead me in all my decisions? What would each day look like? How would I feel physically, emotionally, spiritually? Would that change the way my children behave? How would my husband respond to a wife that is living in the center of God's will?

I am starting to figure that out and hope to share stories that evidence God's lead in my life.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

His hands are holding me!

"Please don't fight these hands that are holding you." These are incredibly powerful lyrics I discovered today in the song "By Your Side" by Tenth Avenue North.

God is enough! God is everything I need. God is everything I could ever want. But do live that way everyday? Most days? At least some days? This week has been a pretty good one. Other than news at the periodontist on Monday that I need to have a tooth pulled and a screw put in its place that will hold a new crown, I am just cruising along. It's not how we wanted to spend the remainder of our tax return, but God has provided a way to pay for that. God reminded me this morning that these are the weeks when I should be seeking him the most. I should be approaching him throneroom of grace with my praises and my "I can do this myself" ideas. I am so excited to say I am doing just that. I am at his feet looking up at his face for my direction. Even better than that, when I fall and mess this up, he will be by my side to pick me up and set me back on the right path again.

I am overflowing with thoughts and ideas about how God is using me here in NW Arkansas. Last Friday our whole family delivered a meal to a family in our elementary school whom we have adopted. We hope to not just provide meals for this family, but build a relationship with them. Ultimately, we want to be the hands and feet of Jesus to this family. What a strange concept in our world today to build relationships with people who are "not like us." It is a little awkward, but God is strong enough to carry us through the awkward.

I was so overwhelmed by the living conditions this family was in. My heart broke when the little girl recognized us. Her eyes were bigger and brighter than any star in the sky at that moment. She was so thrilled that her classmate came over to play. After we got home, I spent most of the night crying and I can't stop crying. Why have I never seen this before? I felt such a heavy burden to help this family and so many others like them. How could I ever think I don't have enough? Why do we live in a world that seems to be content with forgetting about the people in our communities who are hurting and hungry? How could I be so selfish to have ever ignored this or pointed a finger of blame? It is so easy to turn a blind eye and go about our lives. I cannot do that any longer. I cannot stop crying.

I begin to think about the chain of events that one act of obedience could start. What could God do through me to bring people to himself? What could a hot meal, a warm smile, and a few kind words do? I can't describe it, but I have started seeing people differently. People in the store. People at the park. People everywhere I go. My eyes are opening to a greater reality. To a greater purpose for this life. To a greater understanding of the relationship God wants to have with each one of us.

I must keep talking about this. I must keep seeking God's direction. I must be obedient to him in my marriage and with my children. I must take action because I can't stop crying. If I stop crying, my heart will no longer break for the people God wants to touch through me. And when I get scared, what then? What if it is awkward or someone doesn't like me? I must remember that Jesus is by my side. He has covered it all. He knows. He will never let me go. His hands are holding me.

I must share His truth with the lost and hopeless so they know Jesus' hands can always hold one more.


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