What if...

What if...

...I allowed God to lead me in all my decisions? What would each day look like? How would I feel physically, emotionally, spiritually? Would that change the way my children behave? How would my husband respond to a wife that is living in the center of God's will?

I am starting to figure that out and hope to share stories that evidence God's lead in my life.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Mother's Day made memorable

Last Sunday was Mother’s Day. I have a sense of entitlement on that holiday and it grows each year. I feel like that is the day my husband and kids should give me a pass on all mom related responsibilities. They should be extra nice to me and also leave me alone for a good portion of the day. Gifts are great, but words of affirmation and an uninterrupted nap may be the best gifts. This year I received tons of words of affirmation through hand written notes from my 9 year old budding author and the husband of few words. I received toddler hands printed on an oven mit and sweet notes and a potted flower from my preschooler. I received grief from my darling son all day. Saturday night I asked him if he could just be nice and respectful on Mother’s Day and it was as if that simple request sent him into a tailspin of grumpy, preteen moping all day.

I decided to take Maiesha and Lydia shopping at the mall that afternoon. I enjoy shopping and with our budget it is even more fun because I can grab some cash and spend without a care in the world. The girls get it and know we can always get a few things every time we go. At the last minute, Tyrone decided we should all go to the mall. I agreed as long as he committed to take care of Chloe and Jeremiah. They also had to agree to NOT rush us or have a bad attitude if we were “taking too long”. He agreed so all 6 of us loaded up and went to the mall.

Things were going well. We went our separate ways for a while then we would meet up for a bit and then split up again. It all started to go south when I asked Tyrone to meet us in a department store so Jeremiah could pick out some non-athletic shorts and a couple shirts. He found the shorts quickly and we took him downstairs to look at the graphic t-shirts in the men’s department. He said “NO” to everything I picked up just because I picked it. Of course it was only a matter of time until someone would announce the need to go potty. Sure enough, Chloe had to go. I was back on “mom duty” since Tyrone has a mild fear of public restrooms especially when it involves his young daughters who touch everything. We set off toward the bathroom leaving Jeremiah staring at all the t-shirts he might have liked had I not suggested them. And you know the chain reaction that occurs every time one female says she has to go to the bathroom…all 4 of the Washington girls headed to the bathroom.

Hoping for a quick trip, I attempted to help Chloe but she insisted that “I do it myself.” I said that was fine and proceeded into the stall next to hers. I heard her toilet flush and then the crazy began. Chloe yells to me, “Mommy I need your help.” I assume she wanted help with her clothes and proceeded out of my stall to go to hers. Instead she met me in front of the stall with her leggings around her ankles. The auto flush toilet had frightened her so she hadn’t even gotten started. I took her back in the stall and insisted that it was not going to suck her down with all the water and sat her on the toilet.  She immediately went into toddler plank position and refused to sit while screaming “No mommy!” The auto flush went off 2 more times causing her to cry hysterically while I try to restrain her to the toilet seat and encourage her that it is safe to use the monster toilet. She was not having it! We pulled up the leggings and went to wash our hands. Lydia beat us there and was having a soap fest – wash and repeat - just because she could reach the soap dispenser. I quickly thought with all that soap in the sink and no one on lookers in the bathroom, Chloe could pee in the sink. I asked and she said “yes”. I held her on the edge of the sink with one hand while waving the other in front of the sensor to keep plenty of water flowing. Lydia was washing her hands for the third or fourth time which provided the cleaning agent. I wiped that little bootie with some paper towel and washed our hands. Team Washington left the bathroom – mission accomplished albeit not exactly as planned.

My Mother’s Day shopping trip was falling apart, but I could only laugh. We made our last purchase with not a single graphic tee and headed back through the mall to return to our van. What happened next can only be described as a miracle. A man stepped out of a small massage shop to offer a free 1-minute massage. I said “no thank you” in my impatient polite voice while in my head thinking how great a massage and a retreat away from motherhood would be. As I kept walking the man caught Tyrone’s attention and he stopped. I turned around to see the man rubbing Tyrone’s shoulders. Tyrone told him I was the client and pointed at the massage menu and said “She’ll have that one.” He paid the bill and took the kids to the candy store while I received the best 20 minute massage ever. It was the perfect end to a crazy afternoon. Just when I was ready to go into full on no one appreciates me mode, my dear husband rescued me.

When we got home Jeremiah apologized for messing up my Mother’s Day. I accepted his apology and told him that I chose to have a good day even though he tried hard to make it bad. My sweet, thoughtful young man was back (at least for a little bit). God has blessed me with a wonderful family that challenges me in every way, but also loves me well. I am thankful and humbled to have the privilege to be called mom by these 4 crazy and amazing kids. I am also glad their dad recognizes when I need someone to massage the pain in my neck.

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