What if...

What if...

...I allowed God to lead me in all my decisions? What would each day look like? How would I feel physically, emotionally, spiritually? Would that change the way my children behave? How would my husband respond to a wife that is living in the center of God's will?

I am starting to figure that out and hope to share stories that evidence God's lead in my life.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

All 4 One - the journey has just begun

One week ago today I stood in my kitchen and cried – hard. It was the kind of crying you do after a long grueling experience where you were stretched way far outside of your comfort zone to lengths you never thought possible and yet here you stand successfully on the other side of that once impossible thing. I needed to be alone with God for a few moments and “let it out”. The kids had taken over the living room to watch a movie - can’t go there. Tyrone was in our bedroom - can’t go there. It was raining outside and I was really too tired to think about walking - can’t go out there. I went into Maiesha’s bedroom and knelt down on my knees and put my face on the floor. I wept tears of gratitude, relief, humility, and exhaustion. I knelt there with God to acknowledge that we - by his leading – had completed our first weekend of service named “All 4 One”.

I had been a part of big service projects. I thought it would be really cool to be a part of something like that again. Several people in our church and I had had conversations about it too. Little did I know God had been preparing me to lead such a project and that through it we could begin to change a culture.

Back in January I received an email from the pastor of another local church. He wanted to meet with me about our two churches working together on a couple of projects they had in the works. One of our staff members had given him my name and email address. I read his email and thought it sounded good. I replied with kind words and a suggestion to get together to talk more about these opportunities. A few days later we met at a coffee shop and I said yes to make a service day happen on April 17. I was excited, but really had little idea what was about to happen. I sent a text to our lead pastor about it and we talked through it the next week. I sat in a room with 2 other part-time stay-at-home moms. We wrote big ideas on a white board and perused the internet for a name to brand this thing. A few weeks later I pulled a larger group together and we mapped out a plan. I started running with that plan.

It wasn’t your usual running however. This was different. This was blind running. This was clearly God saying close your eyes, hold my hand and let me lead you somewhere only I can take you. He gave me the prayer of Jabez as a guide through a video clip I watched from Chris Hodges, lead pastor from Church of the Highlands. I shared that thing with everyone who would listen.

“Oh, that you would bless me

(Give me more than I need so I can be a blessing to others)

                and expand my territory!

(Grow my circle of influence and show me how to steward it well)

Please be with me in all that I do,

(I need you to lead me God because this is bigger than I can handle on my own)

and keep me from all trouble and pain!”

(Protect me from Satan’s evil schemes and my own fear/flesh/sin)

And God granted him his request.

-          1 Chronicles 4:10 (NLT) (italics interpretation added)

I am here to testify that God granted my request. He showed up time and time again to confirm that “All 4 One” was just what our church needed and exactly what he was calling me to lead. He was growing my faith in him. I was moved to tears over and over as he revealed his plan and provided for every detail. A huge part of this project was that churches unite together to serve alongside each other not in competition with each other. God wants us work together to reach our community. Other churches said yes to our invitation. I met with them. They prayed. They gave. They served with us. It is a steep climb. We are working to change a culture. I am convinced, however, that God is moving to unite His Church so the unchurched and de-churched have a fresh look and a first look at the Gospel. So the good news that Jesus died to pay the penalty for all sin will be heard by every man, woman and child. So that people can receive grace and experience a restored relationship with God.

God sent us out on 9 projects last weekend. Over 170 volunteers served. People, churches and businesses gave over $6000 in cash and donations. We engaged with our community to bring life and hope that is desperate. It does not stop with one weekend though. It was just a launching pad to help people find their unique purpose in God’s story. He has commanded us to “go, make disciples” and he is leading us to understand how that looks in NW Arkansas. He is teaching us to trust him with our time, our talents, and our treasures so we freely give it all back to him. The more I give my life away the more I have to give. It’s not about one big weekend but a changed heart to serve like Jesus did.
"Made to Live" by Hawk Nelson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDOf4TuZKdQ

1 comment:

  1. I was touched by your story. I was a guest at a Great Banquet (Some call it The Emmaus Walk) some years back and now make myself available to serve on other banquets for new guests. It's a ministry that unites all denominations from the surrounding counties. That, alone, is BIG to me; that we all can put aside our differences in how we worship, etc. to see people come to Christ. It's a beautiful thing.
