What if...

What if...

...I allowed God to lead me in all my decisions? What would each day look like? How would I feel physically, emotionally, spiritually? Would that change the way my children behave? How would my husband respond to a wife that is living in the center of God's will?

I am starting to figure that out and hope to share stories that evidence God's lead in my life.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

On my knees

I was agonizing over a situation last night. I had made myself physically ill thinking about it. As quickly as I realized what was happening, the Holy Spirit shouted in my ear you must get along with God and pray. Tyrone couldn’t get home from taekwondo class fast enough. I had the kids get to work on their bedtime chores. Tyrone walked in at 8:15 and I told him I had to leave. He gave me the “what have I walked into” face and precariously said, “Why?” I simply explained I had made myself sick obsessing about something and I needed to go for a walk and pray.

We made it back to the kitchen by 8:45 to sit down and visit for a few minutes and field the last couple bedtime requests. By 9:00 I was feeling more settled and Satan got in my ear. He tried to convince me that my conversation with Tyrone was enough and I should just sit down with baby Chloe and relax. My flesh was tired and I thought maybe that would be enough. Thank goodness the voice of the Holy Spirit was louder, and I left the house. I buckled Chloe into the stroller and grabbed the dog’s leash. Chloe was thrilled to be riding like a big girl and Buford was excited to hear my voice as I opened the gate to let him out. Off we went to encounter God.
As I prayed over a neighbor’s child, my family, some friends in a challenging situation, a mom and her kids, and the thing that had me so worked up, God met me on the poorly lite streets of my neighborhood. The weigh was lifting. My anxiety was subsiding. That was exactly what I needed - time alone in the peace and quiet of my Redeemer. It became time for me to stop talking – prayer is a two way conversation – and listen to God. (This is far more challenging than just saying amen after I think I have said it all. I am learning how to listen and not just talk at God.) He was gently reminding me how much I need him, and as he so often does, God gave me a song as I rounded the corner for home. I pulled that song up on my phone and began to pray it - “Lord I Need You” by Matt Maher. It was playing through the second time as I arrived back in my yard. I looked up to see a clear star-filled sky and knew it was not time to go in the house yet. Chloe was asleep in the stroller and the dog was content to hang out with me. I fell to my knees right there in my yard and hit repeat on my song. Buford laid down next to me. I had been with my Savior and I had to worship him from a posture of brokenness and humility. I wanted to sit at his feet and acknowledge that I needed him.

The song says “Teach my song to rise to you when temptation comes my way. When I cannot stand, I’ll fall on you. Jesus you’re my hope and stay.” What a beautiful twist of my life verses Psalm 25:4-5 “Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me for you are God my Savior and my hope is in you all day long.” When I get tempted to do this life on my own, in my own strength and understanding, the Holy Spirit reminds me to cry out to God. When I can’t stand I can fall into him arms and be at rest.

As I rose to my feet, I looked up to see those stars once more. I finished my prayer with this.
Thank you, God, that you are bigger than the expanse of the sky and that you created a universe that I cannot fathom, and at the same time you choose to live inside of me and care about the tiniest details of my daily life.

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