What if...

What if...

...I allowed God to lead me in all my decisions? What would each day look like? How would I feel physically, emotionally, spiritually? Would that change the way my children behave? How would my husband respond to a wife that is living in the center of God's will?

I am starting to figure that out and hope to share stories that evidence God's lead in my life.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Get filled up so you can pour it out

Wow! it has been a while since I have written. I have missed sitting down to "unload" my heart of all that is going on. The last few weeks have been full of amazing stories, family challenges, and peace in the midst of it all.

I have been pouring into family, friends, my job and even strangers. That can suck you dry very quickly. Thank the Lord he has provided wonderful people to pour back into me the last few weeks. He has given me a marriage that is growing and getting better every day. He has given me 2 children who are full of energy and want to know more about God's plan for their lives. He has given me a precious toddler who gives amazing hugs and makes us laugh constantly. He has allowed me to be a part of a church that is growing and seeking His plan. I have amazing co-workers and a boss that I look forward to hanging out with each week. He has provided other moms that I can pray with and talk through our "kids issues" each week.

The list can go on and on, but the most notable story would be my new friend (and mentor although she doesn't like that title) Alice. Early in September we were challenged at "Cupcakes and Coffee" - the launch of our women's ministry for this year - to get a mentor and become a mentor. I have the mentor thing covered. I am always "stumbling" into relationships where I am able to encourage young moms, college students, and other seemingly random situations. It was clear God was telling me I need to find a person like that for me. There are several wonderful women in my life that have poured into me. The problem with them is they live in other states around the country. I need someone local that I can sit with face-to-face.

Back on September 1, I went to a baby shower for an acquaintance of mine. I nearly missed the shower because I couldn't find the invitation with the address. I searched the incoming call history in my phone because the host had actually called a couple weeks earlier to let me know the time of the shower had changed. I found the unfamiliar number in my phone and called to get directions. She lived right around the corner from us and it literally took 2 minutes to get there. Maiesha and I arrived a little late, but made it there nonetheless to celebrate with the mommy-to-be. While at that baby shower, I had a lovely chat with a woman named Alice. She made a very positive first impression and we each knew a few of the same people from other circles which connected us. I said good-bye to her that day thinking it would be nice to run into her again, but I don't know exactly why we really would. Little did I know God appointed that conversation so that when presented with the idea of finding a mentor, I knew exactly who to contact.

Two days after "Cupcakes and Coffee", I got Alice's email from one of our mutual friends and sent her an email with my bold request. She replied within the hour. We talked later that afternoon. After praying about it, Alice called me the next day to say she would be happy to get together with me and be my mentor. We have been meeting once a week for three weeks and each conversation confirms that God has put her in my life for this season. I look forward to our time together each week and love feeling so refreshed after our visits.

God is opening my eyes to people and situations all around me who need him. He is working through me to reach out to those people. A homeless girl who is estranged from her family. Our adopted family living in poverty. A girl at the grocery store the I need to speak to because I saw cutting scares on her arms. A new friend who is searching for answers and after sharing the gospel with her wants to hear more. Uncovering why Jeremiah has struggled so much this year with school. A young single mom to mentor and encourage. A family who must uproot and leave the country because of a paperwork error for his work visa.

"The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him and he helps me ." Psalm 28:7

I want to live like I believe this verse. If he is my strength and my shield then I can do anything he asks and he will protect me along the way. If I say that I trust him, do my actions follow suit? Do I allow him to help me or just operate in my own abilities?

How does God want to use you? Are you listening to him so you can find out? Do you have people pouring into your life so you can pour it right back out into others? God created us for relationships - marriage, parenting, friends, strangers

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