What if...

What if...

...I allowed God to lead me in all my decisions? What would each day look like? How would I feel physically, emotionally, spiritually? Would that change the way my children behave? How would my husband respond to a wife that is living in the center of God's will?

I am starting to figure that out and hope to share stories that evidence God's lead in my life.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Obey - a four letter word or the way to life

OBEY - to comply with or follow the commands, instructions of

Of what? The dictionary.com definition stopped there. For my purposes and my life I will put God at the end. Obey means to comply with or follow the commands, instructions, authority of God. Sounds a bit challenging. When you stop and think about it, it might be more like impossible, but that is what God wants from us. That is how we express our love toward him. Jesus said in John 14:15 "If you love me, obey my commands." Then in verse 21 he says "Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them." Later in verse 23 he says again "Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them."

Last week was our first week at home for summer break. The first couple days were rough. I was constantly breaking up arguments, bickering, and fighting between Jeremiah and Maiesha. I have been praying for a while over the summer break, but it took me a few days to figure out how to handle our new schedule/non-schedule. We talked almost constantly about obeying, listening, being kind to each other, and did I mention listening. I began to realize as the week wore on that much of their behavior was a product of the change in our environment. They miss their friends and school. We thrive in structure and that has been taken away. I had to be patient and lead the kids through this change rather than get upset with them for not obeying like I wanted. I had to become an example of good behavior so they had someone to follow rather than a mom to run away from as I run after then with my iron fist.

Apparently my children were not the only people who needed a refresher on obedience because Pastor Charlie's sermon was all about obedience last Sunday after our wild week. The nuts and bolts were what does God want me to stop doing and what should I start doing. This is not to get legalistic and create a list of all the "bad" things "good Christians" should not do. Or take license and ask for forgiveness after I mess up because it's too hard to do the right thing. It's is about listening to God through his Word and prayer to be able to discern what his plan is for my life. Once he reveals that plan to me, I have to trust him and follow it. God really got me good on the subjects of parenting and gossip. Learning to parent is a daily, lifelong challenge. Gossip is something that I have to be very careful to stay away from because I am easily tempted by it.
I am so excited about the amazing opportunities that are on the horizon for our family. It is safe to say it is all God revealing his plan as a result of obedience. By no means have I had a perfect first year in Arkansas, but it is obvious that if Tyrone and I had not obeyed in some very specific ways, we would not be experiencing these amazing blessings now. Some great things are starting to open up for his research at work. God has spoken directly about somethings and answered very specific prayers. The same is true for me with my new job starting July 23 and some wonderful relationships with folks at church and in the community. God has taught me a TON about my job as wife and mom through my obedience to "just" stay home this year.

So this week has gone much easier than last week. Yes, the kids are getting along better and we have come up with an accountability system with rewards that is helping. We are getting a schedule together to include reading, math, quiet time, fun and more fun.The biggest difference, however, is a change in attitude and God's faithfulness to keep reminding me to trust him as he reveals his plan in the daily grind and in the big picture. The best part is I don't have to do this alone under my own power and strength -  God sent "the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be[c] in you. (John 14:17)"

"Voice of Truth" by Casting Crowns

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