What if...

What if...

...I allowed God to lead me in all my decisions? What would each day look like? How would I feel physically, emotionally, spiritually? Would that change the way my children behave? How would my husband respond to a wife that is living in the center of God's will?

I am starting to figure that out and hope to share stories that evidence God's lead in my life.

Monday, January 1, 2018

2017 - A Look Back and Ready to Move Forward

Happy 2018! I am sad to see 2017 go and thrilled to say good-bye. It was one of the most fruitful and most challenging years of my life. I guess that is why my phrase for 2017 was “live fearless.” It came on the heels of the year of thankfulness in 2016. Now that was a tough year, but I learned how to be thankful for the most difficult circumstances because they grew my faith and my heart for others.

To live fearless in 2017 looked like running through a war zone clinging to God’s hand as he leads. I continually referred to a scene in “War of the Worlds”. Little Rachel Ferrier (Dakota Fanning) watched her dad, Ray Ferrier (Tom Cruise), protect her and battle the aliens to save Earth. At other moments he held her tight and led her through the crossfire. Rachel knew to not make a move without her Dad because she knew he would take care of her. That lesson was paramount for me – don’t make a move without my Heavenly Father and trust Him when it's time to move even if it looks too scary to try.

In any case, the first act of courage to living fearlessly was to acknowledge my fear. That fear could have kept me from trusting God completely. That fear could have paralyzed me and kept me from navigating the war zone with Him. That fear could have kept from God’s blessings and being a blessing to others.

We said good-bye to our sweet dog Buford in January. He was 13-years-old and had been our first baby. His body was frail and riddled with arthritis and a possibly cancerous tumor. It was so hard to let him go, but there was relief as well. Maiesha (10-years-old at the time) insisted that she go with us that day when we had him put to sleep. We have his ashes in a special box and will take him back to South Carolina one day to sprinkle them in his first home.

I left my part-time job of 5 years in March. It was exactly what I needed to do but another “God I'm gonna have to trust you” experience. It meant letting go of something I had built from scratch. It was like turning my young child over to strangers entrusting them to raise her just the way I would. In jobs past, quitting has included a move to another state, but this time it was truly just praying, seeking wise counsel and listening for confirmation not know exactly where I was going next. God was faithful as I turned my fear over to him, grabbed his hand and held on tight.

I deemed my 4 month break between the end of my job and the start of Grad school the maternity leave I never took when Chloe was born. It was fun to have so much time to spend with my family. Tyrone and I took our annual no-kids get away to Denver, CO. We traveled to TX, OK, central AR and locally for basketball tournaments and a dance clinic. The kids gave up part of their Christmas savings to travel to South Carolina to visit Granny (Tyrone’s mom) and the beach in July. Tyrone and I took a spontaneous weekend flight to Orlando to visit friends. We had our first Universal Studios experience at Islands of Adventure theme park too. We were like two little kids!

With a big sigh of relief and a tired brain, I am excited to say I did not just survive, but thrived in my first semester of Graduate school. I made an A in both classes and learned a ton. I learned a lot outside the classroom too. Tyrone was my rock through this huge transition. He jumped in to cook meals, wash laundry, wash dishes, and drive the kids to their activities. He talked me through my tears, anxiety and fear of failing. Being a 39-year-old student with a big family and 2 jobs is no joke. He reminded me that I am fully capable of getting this Master’s degree and his actions backed up his words every day. The kids were patient and encouraging too. This process is helping me be more patient with them and hold on a little tighter with each hug.

The greatest thing about 2017 is that God brought me to a new job that may just be that BIG thing I have been chasing for the last 10 years. I can see all the seasons of my life coming together to form His masterpiece. I am standing at the intersection of my lifetime love of sports and my passion to reach children and families to help them find their place in God’s story. It is evidence that God uses what we love and what we are good at to accomplish his unique purpose for each of us.

Life is still HARD, and there are still things I wish were different. I understand that HARD is part of the process of becoming more like Jesus and trusting that God’s got this. Hard is what makes life interesting and challenging. In the middle of HARD, I find satisfaction in knowing I am becoming the me God designed me to be. Hard leads me to a place of complete dependence on Him and that enables me to LIVE FEARLESS for a lifetime.

May God bless you in 2018 so that you can be a blessing to someone else!

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