What if...

What if...

...I allowed God to lead me in all my decisions? What would each day look like? How would I feel physically, emotionally, spiritually? Would that change the way my children behave? How would my husband respond to a wife that is living in the center of God's will?

I am starting to figure that out and hope to share stories that evidence God's lead in my life.

Monday, January 11, 2016

God built a bridge

I had the pleasure of spending a few minutes with a little girl yesterday. I greeted her family while they were checking in to the Greenhouse (our children’s ministry area) as I do most all of our families on any Sunday morning. This was a special morning for this family. They were hoping to run into me. Their middle daughter needed to talk to me. She had made a life changing decision earlier that morning. She prayed with her parents to ask Jesus to be her savior and she wanted to get baptized.

The mom was super excited and asked her daughter to tell me all about it. Like most 2nd graders, she wasn’t ready to share all the details on the spot so I said she could go on to her class and I would connect with her near the end of the service.

This is one of the best parts of my job as a children’s ministry director. I love sitting with kids and hearing their stories. I love teaching them about God’s big story and how he has specific plans for each one of them. I love sharing the Gospel with them and helping them connect with their purpose and place in God’s story. It is not just about their salvation, but about leading them to become a healthy member of God’s family and part of his mission. I want them to know that God has created them with specific gifts and talents that he will use to make his name great so they can help lead people of every tribe, nation and tongue into worshipful relationship with him. They are the future of the Church in this world and it is such a pleasure to lead them and their families.

Anyway, I digress; back to this awesome little girl I hung out with yesterday.

Near the end of her class I went to get her so we could talk. She was part of a rousing game of Octopus (one of 1,000 versions of tag) with her classmates after they had learned about how God blessed Peter so he could be a blessing to others. We walked into my office and I realized I only had one chair. I told her I would go get another chair, but stopped abruptly and said, “Let’s just sit on the floor instead.” She smiled big and responded, “Yeah that’s good.”

I asked her to tell me about her morning. She clarified, “The whole morning?” I said, “Well, how about the parts that led to you wanting to get baptized.”

She began her story.

“Well, I got up early at 6:11 this morning. I was sitting in my closet reading my Bible. Not the Bible with all the verses in it, but one with pictures. I wanted to finish it.”

I was already hooked and couldn’t wait to hear what she was going to say next.

She continued, “I was reading about a guy who baptized people and ate grasshoppers with honey. After I read that I wanted to get baptized.”

I explained that she was reading about John the Baptist and asked if she knew anything else about him. We spend a couple minutes talking about his ministry and how he prepared the way for Jesus.

Then I asked if I could draw her a picture.

I drew her as a stick person on a line on one side of the board and God on a line on the other side of the board (just G-O-D, not sure how to draw a stick figure of God). I described the gap between her and God like the Grand Canyon since she knew what that is. It is impossible to get across all by ourselves.

She said, “Maybe we could cut down a tree and build a bridge.”

I turned to her and rejoiced! “You are right…that is exactly what God did.”

On her side of the board there was sin and death. On God’s side was the gift of eternal life. God sent Jesus. God cut down a tree so some people could build a cross. I drew  the cross between the two sides. Jesus lived a sinless life and died on that cross so we don’t have to pay the penalty for our sin (bad choices for my little friend’s understanding). God built a bridge so we can cross over to receive his gift of eternal life through Jesus.

“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.”

She pointed to her stick figure and drew a bridge through the cross toward God. “I can cross the bridge and have eternal life”, she declared.

“And what happened 3 days after Jesus died on that cross?” I inquired.

“He came to life again!”

I gave her a big hug. She got it! Jesus defeated death once and for all.

Then I asked her, “Do you know what we are now that you have accepted Jesus as your savior?”

She looked at me with a perplexed look and I informed her that we were now sisters in God’s family. I explained that we are sisters to anyone who is a part of God’s family because he is our Heavenly Father.

“So what does that make your mom?” I asked.

Her eyes got wide and bright one more time and she exclaimed, “That makes my mom my sister too.”

I reminded her that she still has to obey mom and dad, but it is pretty cool to call them brother and sister. Then we talked about baptism being her public declaration of her faith in Jesus and the bridge he is between her and God.

I am so thankful to have this privilege.